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What Is a Family Lawyer and What Do They Do?

When legal issues arise within the family, you turn to a family lawyer. But what does a family law attorney do? Family lawyers handle all types of legal issues that affect the family, primarily spousal and parent-child relationships.

Although family lawyers often provide services when families are splitting apart, we are also delighted to help when families are growing.

If you need assistance with a legal issue affecting your family, the Law Office of Pamela C. Bratcher can help. We have over 30 years of legal experience fighting for our clients’ families.

We have a keen interest in cases located in Warren County, Kentucky, as well as those in its vicinity.

What Does a Family Lawyer Do?

Your family sets the foundation of your life, and when things go wrong, your foundation becomes unstable. When you realize you need to change that foundation, a family lawyer can help.

In helping you change or rebuild that foundation, family lawyers handle the following:

We have experience with all of these areas of law and more.

How Does a Family Lawyer Do What They Do?

Having a technical list is helpful, but you may still have questions. Mainly, what do family lawyers do in the concrete? 

When you meet with a family lawyer, you tell us what you need help with. We explore potential options and explain the specific services we can offer. If you decide to move forward, you sign an agreement explaining what we will help you with. 

We work to achieve your goals. Ultimately, what our services look like depends on what you need. Every family is unique, and so is every case. 

Document Drafting

One of the most important services we provide is document drafting. We put your needs and goals down onto paper, adding references to statutes and legal provisions when necessary.

We review those documents with you to ensure everything is accurate and on target to get you where you need to be.


Family law cases, where everything is close to home and personal, are mentally and emotionally taxing. Your family lawyer will negotiate on your behalf and take pressure off you.

We negotiate not only using our education and experience but also as your advocate, a step removed but dedicated to fighting for your best outcome.


When our clients cannot agree through negotiation, we often encourage them to seek mediation. There, you present your issues to a neutral third party, the mediator.

They guide you through a discussion, helping you find potential solutions. Your family lawyer can be at your side during mediation, protecting your interests.


On top of everything else, do family lawyers go to court? Although we often steer clients away from court due to the high expenses and extended timelines, in cases that call for it, we can and do go to court.

We present your case before a family law judge, making legal arguments, offering evidence, and highlighting weaknesses in the other party’s case.

Compassionate Family Lawyer in Kentucky

Finding a lawyer will always be stressful, but deciding who to trust with your family—your life’s foundation—can feel impossible. Pamela Bratcher is a straightforward, compassionate attorney with over 30 years of legal experience.

Our firm has the tools to help you change or rebuild your foundation. If you are ready to learn more, contact us today for a free initial consultation. 


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